Temecula Valley Unified School District School Districts
Our Mission
- To develop students through rigorous educational and co-curricular programs into critical, reflective thinkers with the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively, to integrate technology for learning, and to contribute to an ever-changing, diverse community.
- The Temecula Valley Unified School District is located in Riverside County. The Temecula Valley Unified School District covers 213 square miles (north to French Valley, south to the San Diego County line, east to Vail Lake, and, west to the Temecula city limit. The Temecula Valley Unified School District began operations as a unified school district in 1989. Currently, there are eighteen elementary schools, seven middle schools, three comprehensive high schools, one continuation high school, one independent study high school, one virtual school, two charter schools, and one adult school in the Temecula Valley Unified School District, for a total of thirty-three schools. The Temecula Valley Unified School District also conducts a childcare program called BASES at various elementary school sites. The Temecula Valley Unified School District received voter approval of the $165 million dollar Measure Y Bond in November 2012. The funds will be provided by the issuance of bonds planned to occur four times over approximately 10 years. A master facility plan and bond projects list has been established to prioritize projects for completion during the lifetime of the bond.
Geographic size:
213 square miles
Number of Schools: 33
18 elementary schools
7 middle schools
3 comprehensive high schools
1 continuation high school
1 independent study high school
1 virtual (grades 6-12) school
1 virtual/homeschool K-5
1 adult education school
Total # of Employees:
Certificated (teachers) 1,300.
Classified (non-teaching) 1,500.
Collectively, TVUSD’s strategies for achievement are developed and led by our five members of the Governing Board who are responsible for setting our institutional foundation and policies. Together, we have a collective purpose, vision, and goals. During the summer of 2016, the Governing Board revised the goals for the district and defined 6 key priority areas to guide us as an organization.
Under each priority there are measurable standards, performance indicators, and benchmarks that can be used to determine the district’s progress towards meeting the goals.
Priority #1 – Curriculum & Instruction
Our students will demonstrate academic growth and the proficiencies needed to meet their post K-12 goals.
1. There will be an increase in the percent of TVUSD students who qualify, are admitted, and prepared to succeed in a college program.
2. There will be an increase in the percent of TVUSD students who are prepared to enter the workforce upon graduation.
3. There will be an increase in the percent of students who demonstrate proficiency or higher for all district, state, and federal performance standards.
4. Survey data will indicate that parents and students believe that the programs in TVUSD have prepared them for their post K-12 goals.
Priority #2 – Involvement & Connections
Our students will be provided relevant opportunities that connect them to their school as well as significant adults to allow them to pursue their academic, career, and personal interests.
1. There will be an increase in the graduation rate and decrease in the dropout rate of TVUSD students.
2. There will be an increase in the percentage of TVUSD students who participate in co-curricular programs.
3. There will be an increase in the number of opportunities for elementary students to participate in VAPA and PE.
4. Survey data will indicate that parents and students believe the programs in TVUSD provide opportunities for our students to get involved and connected to their school community.
Priority #3 – Educational Environment
Our students will attend state-of-the-art schools that are safe, clean, attractive, and free of distraction creating a sense of pride and ownership in their educational environment.
1. Students and teachers will use technology to enhance skills, retrieve information, and develop products.
2. Schools will be maintained, kept clean, and safe.
3. Schools will maintain standards of student behavior that keep the learning environment safe and free from distraction.
4. Cultural Proficiency
5. Survey data will indicate that parents and students believe that our schools are state of the art, safe, clean, and well maintained.
Priority #4 – Family & Community
Our families and community members will feel connected, informed and welcome to participate as true partners in the education of our students.
1. Through multiple media we will communicate events, news, and student information.
2. Seek two-way communication with all stakeholders, students, parents, guardians, staff, and community using all communication resources available.
3. Students will be provided with opportunities to actively engage in community-based programs and events.
4. We will actively participate in and support parent and community organizations.
5. Parents and families will be provided opportunities and welcoming environments to volunteer and participate in school-related events.
6. Survey data will indicate that parents and students believe that our schools are welcoming and that they are a partner in the education programs in TVUSD.
Priority #5 -Fiscal Responsibility
The Board’s goals in the area of fiscal responsibility reflect the need to be prudent during times when the state and federal government allocate reasonable funding to public education so that resources are available to address the district’s needs during times of economic slowdown.
1. The Governing Board will maintain a 6% reserve for economic uncertainty (3% required by the state and 3% required by the Board).
2. The Governing Board will maintain a positive budget.
3. The district will observe generally accepted accounting practices (GAAP) and stay current with requirements under the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) in order to ensure that annual independent financial audits are positive.
4. The district will maintain a position control system that is able to account for all approved positions and to prevent unauthorized employment prior to Board approval.
5. The district will maintain a strong credit rating in order to minimize the cost of borrowing when issuing bonds or other debt measures.
6. The district will use a model/process to establish priorities for new funding and/or reducing expenditures.
Priority #6 – Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff
1. Attract and retain qualified staff.
2. Develop and implement clear standards for professional conduct.
3. Equip staff with materials and facilities to meet curriculum needs.
4. Provide staff with professional development to meet 21st century student needs.
5. Support staff in fostering creativity and innovation.